The Dos and Don’ts of Camping

When camping, you should always consider the dos and don’ts to be safe and leave the campsite better than you found it. Some Park rangers find it hard to deal with the aftermath of campsites, which should not be the case. Here are the dos and don’ts of camping:

The Dos
• Think and check to ensure you have everything you need before embarking on your camping trip. Remember to carry a few garbage bags to conserve the environment.
• Get a free map on your mobile phone to get the campsite map. It is not easy camping in an area you hadn’t been to before. Therefore, ensure you have a map to help you navigate with ease.
• Check if you have a campfire. Firstly, ensure that the campsite allows campfire and whether you should carry your own firewood. Campfire is vital to keep you warm, scare wild animals and cook food. If you are not attending your campfire, always put it out.
• Leave your pets at home because camping should not include pets. You should never camp with your pets because it is neither safe nor ideal.
• Always secure your food containers at night.

The Don’ts
• You should not dump your rubbish in the park or leave your trash next to a bin because it is hazardous to wildlife.
• Do not forage or cut down wood or trees in the park. While camping is allowed, dead or fallen timber is vital for insects, birds, and other animals. Hence, you should not disrupt the ecosystem by cutting down trees or foraging.
• Do not leave your campfire unattended. While this is risky to other campers, leaving the fire unattended can result in forest fires causing severe consequences.
• Do not leave food or scraps outside for wild animals because you can attract dangerous wild animals which might attack, causing severe injuries or even death.

If you love camping, the dos mentioned above and don’ts can help make your camping memorable and safe. For first-timers, tagging along with experienced campers is advisable to learn firsthand what you should and shouldn’t do.